
soccer sidekicks

At Sidekicks we provide a soccer pathway for children to grow and develop. Our programs contain age specific curriculums that help children fall in love with soccer, grow emotionally, improve technically and tactically.

Class schedule: Every Monday

Learn More HERE                        
BLA Students: Sign Up HERE

Amy's music class

Ms. Amy has a background in teaching music and Mandarin. In her class, she integrates language learning into music, which allows children to eventually excel in both areas. Also, it has always been Ms. Amy’s belief that kids learn best through play. With her fun teaching approach, who wouldn't fall in love with music? 

Class schedule: Every Tuesday

Contact Ms. Amy for questions: msamystudio@gmail.com
BLA Students: Sign Up HERE   

evolution arts

Evolution Arts is a fun introduction to the world of dance through ballet, jazz and creative movements. Class is designed by our professional dance teachers specifically for kids to evolve. 

Class schedule: Every Wednesday

Learn more HERE
BLA Students: Sign Up HERE

C.A.T.S Drama

Welcome to C.A.T.S Drama Program at Bright Learning Academy, where we specialize in fostering social and emotional development through engaging theater and storytelling activities tailored for preschool students. Join us on this exciting journey of growth and creativity - enroll your child today and watch them flourish!  

Class schedule: Every Thursday

Learn more HERE
BLA Students: Sign Up HERE

First evolution arts coding and robotics class 

Bright Learning Academy's new Robotics and Coding class is designed to spark young minds with the excitement of technology. Utilizing the Learning Resources Code and Go Robot Mouse Activity Set, Botzees Create, Program, and Play Robotics Kit, and Wonder Workshop's Gripper, Sketch Kit, and Launcher, students will engage in hands-on activities that foster creativity and problem-solving skills. Each 40-minute session is crafted to be both educational and fun, ensuring that children develop foundational skills in robotics and coding while enjoying every moment. Join us on this innovative journey and watch your child's interest in STEM flourish!

Class schedule: Every Friday
BLA Students: Sign Up link coming soon